Thanks, Dad

Okay. Well.

My dad suffered a heart attack last summer. Yeah, I know, it’s sad, but he’s doing great. That’s not what this is about. But kinda.

So. Anyway.

I was left stunned. My father, my hero, the man who stands next to Captain America and Superman in my mind, was laid low by his own body. I sat at a jug-handle (the only way to legally turn around on a Jersey highway) when my playlist came to “Details In The Fabric” by Jason Mraz. And I cried. And I cried so long I held up traffic and missed the VERY DELAYED green light.

But. Then.

By the time the light turned green again, I knew what I had to do. Whether he was okay or not, in that moment, my job became clear. I had to survive for him, whether or not he did. I was to carry on living a life of love, courage, and, strength like he did (and does).

Then. Doubt.

I’m not my dad. I’m not the pillar he is. But, I didn’t have to be outwardly strong to write. The light turned green, and as I accelerated, two words came to me.

Kid. Riot.

So, here we are, just over a year later. Kid Riot isn’t perfect. He’s not gonna change the world overnight. He’s isn’t going to stop an alien invasion single-handedly. He isn’t a genius, or a millionaire, or even a strongman like Riot.

But. And we make you this promise right now, Kid Riot is a hero.

In his actions, words, and deeds, Kid Riot will always strive to be your hero, because that’s what decides whether you’re a hero or not.

This is his moment.

Thanks, Dad.