New News After No News Is Good News (But This Really Is)

I think I should probably say something now, right? Right. Okay. Cool. Hi, I’m Nico, I write Kid Riot, and I’m bad at posting to my blog.

It’s not that I don’t have anything to say. I swear. I have way too much to say, ask anyone. No, it’s more that, well, honestly, in some ways, a lot like PJ, I had no idea what I was getting into when I made my way to The Lounge at The Demon Hotel. I thought I was telling a simple story. I thought I was expressing this one idea. Kid with potential to do something special does something special. Three of us sat down, and began to develop PJ from an idea into a character. Once we knew him, it was time to figure out his stories.

All the framework in place, Taryn, Kevo, and I sat down to break the 12 issue Kid Riot series. We agreed the best place to start was with a short introduction arc, and then a few stories to tell a “season.” 12 issues was decided on, and minutes later, became 13 became 15…to 18, 20, 22, and finally 25 issues. And then we realized this is just volume one. It wasn’t a matter of figuring out his stories – it was a matter of trying to tell as many of them as they zipped our way.

PJ began zipping through Old Brunswick on a journey that would change his life, seemingly overnight, and that’s what happened to us, too. This whole thing has become so much more than an 8-page comic. You may have noticed we’ve had some delays. This is as new to us as it is for PJ. And like him, we’ve picked up some new friends and gone some new places along the way, and we’re excited to share those with you.

First up, we’d like to welcome Joe Cruz to The Demon Hotel. You’ll be seeing posts and content from him in the coming months, so keep an eye out and be sure to drop by The Lounge and order a drink from him. Like the rest of us here at the Hotel, he’s great at listening to stories and just may have one for you

We have TONS more announcements in the coming days, so stick with us and PJ, because, guys, and this is so cool to get to say and mean, but you haven’t seen ANYTHING yet.