The Stars are coming out!

Hey everyone!

Well, we said Kid Riot’s second year would have some surprises. We are excited to bring you the FIRST OF MANY announcements before the end of 2015! Starting next week, The Demon H0tel officially launches our second ongoing title!

Kid Riot is going to keep zipping right along, featuring everyone’s favorite Squad, by myself, Taryn, and Kevo. Up next in Kid Riot 16 is a special Hero News Live tribute to Riot Diva, followed by the return of MANY familiar faces in 17-18. In fact, a few of these faces were originally going to appear again sooner, but….before that….

One of the most exciting things about producing Kid Riot is the amount of collaboration that goes into each story. , and thusly, we thought it was time to showcase that.

Back in August, Tori Sheehan has brought something special and different to TDH with How To Hero, featuring NJ-State and showed us that there were a lot more heroes in Old Brunswick than just our zippy little friend. Now, we’ll be showing that off monthly. Starting in November, The Demon Hotel proudly, and officially, launches Kid Riot Universe Presents, an anthology title featuring the other side of the Riotverse and we’re starting things off right with a 4 part story showing what happens when NJ-State decides to try and bring in The ID Squadron for questioning.

With KR UP, expect to see more of the How To Hero gang, familiar faces, Zipstrips, along with a too-soon-to-share regular feature, spinning out of an upcoming Kid Riot story. We hope you love following Kid Riot and his friends through their next adventure as much as we love bringing it to you!
