Now that Marvel and DC have decided to so consistently renumber their lines that a title with 10 issues can be considered long-running by their standards, I’m coming to see a lot of things about the comics industry. Good, bad,…
Hey everybody! It’s been a while since I did one of these, but hey, there’s been a pretty nonstop onslaught of Kid Riot. Lets see, Kid’s been pretty busy meeting and teaming up with new Hero Reform Candidate Ally, finally…
Hey everyone! Well, we said Kid Riot’s second year would have some surprises. We are excited to bring you the FIRST OF MANY announcements before the end of 2015! Starting next week, The Demon H0tel officially launches our second ongoing title!…
“As I’ve said before, HELLBLAZER’S a writer-driven book if there ever was one. John’s the kind of character who becomes the person who writes him (or is it the other way around?) Good or bad, Paul [Jenkin]’s version of John is…
Republican or Democrat. Coke or Pepsi. Google or Apple. HBO or Showtime. Marvel or DC. Everytime we restrict our thinking down to a two-party system, we miss out on all of the things between and beyond those goalposts. I grew…
So. Well. I mean. It’s been a year. It’s been a hell of a year. When Taryn, Kevo, and I launched Kid Riot in October, I don’t think we really understood what we were getting into. There’s been ups and…
NOTE: You can find parts 1 and 2 of this series in those links! One of my greatest disappointments in life is I’m not a better artist. Now, I’ve worked at it, and can sort of execute some….lines and shapes?…
So, a while back, I started a guide for how to make comics. And so I guess here’s part two. I think part two is more about honesty than part one, which was totally about process. So, you’ve got Flame…
Hey all, It’s Nico with another infrequent-but-I-mean-to-post-with-more-regularity blog post. So, a year ago, myself, Taryn, and Kevo sat out back and said, “Okay, we’re really effing doing this. Alright. Let’s plot this mother.” We sat down and came up with…
So this week marks a significant event of my life: I made a bold decision and moved back to my home to New Jersey after spending a few years living in Florida. Certain circumstances had prompted the hasty move down…